Category: communication strategies


Do you ever find yourself making up stories? Reaching a particular conclusion based on emotionally charged thoughts or intentions? We all do it. We find ourselves worrying over things we did not, or do not, need to. When that’s the case, who is really in charge of our mind? If we are holding ourselves back by being reactive, versus proactive, what are we really doing for ourselves?



There’s a million reasons to go into business. Here on Creative Warriors, I believe the reason to go into business is to build something that matters. To know our contributions matter. How do you create the most value within your business, though? With today’s ever-changing business economy, you aren’t just competing in within your industry anymore. Our choices have become worldwide. So how do we keep ahead of the game? How do we maintain a business that matters, and become the obvious choice?



Creativity can be hard to achieve at times. As we know, it takes a lot of time and effort to become the ultimate creative warrior. Often times, it can be a struggle to find the creative voice inside yourself. In order to do so, it takes inspiration and hard work. Most of us find ourselves good at one or the other, but who says you can’t be good at both? On this week’s episode, we will be discussing making your “spark and grind” work for you, with Erik Wahl.



What can we gain from losing? Some of you might say nothing, but hold your horses! How can we truly learn to see the positive in losing? Is it even possible for those of us who consider ourselves to be extremely competitive? There are some real benefits to losing, and since it is an inevitable piece of life, we might as well learn how to win at losing! How though? Don’t worry, we have the inside scoop, thanks to Sam Weinman.





In the couple days leading up to Christmas Day here in the United States, we have something very special for you. This time of year conjures up all sorts of feelings. Tradition, family and friends gathering, surprise and delight, and of course, gratitude and giving. This special episode of Creative Warriors is a gift within a gift within a gift.


WARRIOR of Flashlight

This week we’re talking with Josh Linkner about reinvention. This isn’t your typical reinvention, like to resurrect from the dead, no, this type of reinvention in the words of our guest is the necessary process of proactively crafting a new future, and I would say this is a very necessary mindset and practice to move forward, stay relevant, and succeed in business today.


WARRIOR of Observation


On this week’s episode, we have Radim Malinic joining us to discuss how to successfully bridge the gap between business and client when designing. We also dig deeper into breaking down roadblocks that may come with on demand creativity. Radim Malinic is a designer in the truest sense of the word. Not just in the work he creates, but also in how he has designed his career, his life, and even his happiness. Come along on a journey into the inner thoughts, philosophies, and processes, of this creative entrepreneur and be inspired to create the business, life, and happiness of your dreams.


WARRIOR of Patience


Imagine having more questions than answers about one of the most important aspects of life. That’s how I feel about resilience. Are some of us born more resilient? Is there a difference between resilience in our businesses vs. our personal lives? Do we know we’re resilient when we’re in the thick of it or only in hindsight? Will we regret things we didn’t stick out because we weren’t resilient enough? Today we have an expert on resilience who’s sharing how to go from survive to thrive. (more…)



Our guest today says “never take advice from a cartoonist.” So today we’re going to take advice from a cartoonist. But, in all fairness, our guest is no ordinary cartoonist, he’s the creator of Dilbert, Scott Adams. We’re chatting a bit about Dilbert and diving into Scott’s latest book, How To Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big. I guarantee you’ll gain a different perspective about failure and learn a bit about happiness as well! (more…)

WARRIOR of Worth


Have you ever considered a crowdfunding campaign to support one of your creative endeavors? Are you been unsure if crowdfunding is right for you or maybe the thought totally overwhelms you! We have the leading expert on crowdfunding here to help reset our perspective on crowdfunding and the development of a community. (more…)