Warrior of Reciprocity
For a lot of entrepreneurs, our businesses are much more technologically driven, forcing us to spend more time sitting in front of a computer. The negative effects of sitting are serious, including restricted blood flow and pressure on the spine. As I’ve said many times, Warriors have to take care of themselves because, without us, it’s likely our businesses would not go on. That’s why I have this chat with fitness expert, Jeremy Abramson. To get you moving. To make sure you stay healthy. This guy is a beast. He’s the real deal. Be sure to check out his website and Instagram.
Warrior of Reciprocity
What if I said doing business in the selfie age is a good thing? Well, I think it is. But not in the way you might be thinking. Listen and learn how your customer’s “selfishness” is an opportunity for your business. How customers are empowered today like they never have been before. Why you want to understand this concept to build a business that speaks to your ideal customers, allows them to create the experiences they want, and to know what is most convenient for THEM.
Warrior of Reciprocity
In the worlds of personal development, motivation, and positive thinking, were are usually encouraged to move forward. While that is likely the goal, maybe we have to first get frustrated enough about what we want to move away from in order to fully commit to where we want to go. A compelling topic and I look forward to hearing your perspective!
Warrior of Reciprocity
Usually on Talking Stick, we talk about business quests. Our guest today, Devin Galaudet, shares the story of a very different quest. A personal quest that led him on a 10,000 mile journey with his dead father’s ashes. As you might imagine, there are plenty of life lessons to be learned here. All shared with a touch of humor. One highlight is our conversation about what keeps us on a quest when we really have no idea where we’re going or perhaps, even why we’re doing it.
Warrior of Reciprocity
I absolutely love this conversation with Anne Gordon! Anne is founder of WhaleWatchingPanama.com. After years of whale watching tours, interactions with dolphins and guiding her guests to interact with these magnificent creatures, she has compiled a wealth of wisdom from whales and dolphins that we can all learn from. Consider this- whales have been on earth for 30 million years! We humans are toddlers in comparison! This is a wonderful treat!