Author: jeffrey-shaw

Warrior of Reciprocity

As has become an annual tradition here on Creative Warriors, it’s time to think about your theme for 2019. Your theme is different than a goal, intention, or vision. Your theme is the intersection of what you want and what feels like the right time. Your theme is your guiding star for the year ahead. With just a couple of months left in the year, the time is now to think about it so there’s time for your theme to arise without forcing it.



I’m as guilty as anyone for saying “good isn’t good enough.” Our society encourages people to be the best they can be; even capitalism is based on the idea that everything has to be exceptional. But perfectionism can stop us from even beginning. The acceptance that we are good enough now is critical to success in our work.


Warrior of Reciprocity

As a prelude to the next episode on Creative Warriors with Jessica Pettitt, I share my thoughts on acceptance and being good enough now. We can often get so critical of ourselves and down about where we’re at in our lives, I find the idea of “good enough now” really refreshing. It makes me think about how freeing acceptance is. It is through acceptance and the peace it offers that you are free to change your circumstances. 



So often we can feel sorry for ourselves because we’re not given the opportunities we think we deserve. We feel overlooked and unappreciated. When we take this attitude, we are avoiding taking responsibility for our relationships. You can’t complain about the results you’re getting if you’re hiding in the corner.


Warrior of Reciprocity

For a lot of entrepreneurs, our businesses are much more technologically driven, forcing us to spend more time sitting in front of a computer. The negative effects of sitting are serious, including restricted blood flow and pressure on the spine. As I’ve said many times, Warriors have to take care of themselves because, without us, it’s likely our businesses would not go on. That’s why I have this chat with fitness expert, Jeremy Abramson. To get you moving. To make sure you stay healthy. This guy is a beast. He’s the real deal. Be sure to check out his website and Instagram.



Businesses need to pay close attention to how society is changing. Due to technology, things are moving at a faster rate than ever. Customers previously had to choose between convenience and lesser quality or less convenience and higher quality. Now, they expect both. If your business is not able to adapt to current demands, it won’t survive. Today’s customers expect great customer service, speed, and a good price all at the same time. Your business isn’t just being compared to other small business, it’s being held to the standards of bigger businesses like Amazon. You need to ask yourself, “How easy am I to do business with?”


Warrior of Reciprocity

What if I said doing business in the selfie age is a good thing? Well, I think it is. But not in the way you might be thinking. Listen and learn how your customer’s “selfishness” is an opportunity for your business. How customers are empowered today like they never have been before. Why you want to understand this concept to build a business that speaks to your ideal customers, allows them to create the experiences they want, and to know what is most convenient for THEM.



Pricing for creative services has always been a difficult topic. As creative entrepreneurs, we often feel embarrassed about charging a high amount for our work. We’ll set rate based on time spent or put a fixed package rate up on our website. As a result, we often undervalue our services.


Warrior of Reciprocity

In the worlds of personal development, motivation, and positive thinking, were are usually encouraged to move forward. While that is likely the goal, maybe we have to first get frustrated enough about what we want to move away from in order to fully commit to where we want to go. A compelling topic and I look forward to hearing your perspective!



Entrepreneurs know the power of word of mouth, but not many of us put strategies in place to utilize it. We use the same, tired strategies of discount codes for referring friends or a BOGO sale to bring in new customers.
