Category: Social Media

WARRIOR of Humility


You know the old phrase “It’s not what you know. It’s who you know?” Never has that been truer than today in the world of social media and online presence. Today we’re talking about being a person of influence and how your social currency is an important part of your business strategy.  (more…)

The Go-Giver WARRIOR


In this season of giving and receiving, we are fortunate to have the co-authors of the book The Go-Giver to help us get to the heart of what it means to give and receive. The value of understanding how to give and also receive is one of the many gifts we can unpack from this episode. Like a coin, you can not have one without the other. Think about that.  (more…)

WARRIOR of Kick Ass


Do you think of yourself as a writer? In today’s online world we’re all writers. Between emails, social media posts, marketing materials, and content creation we are all writing more than ever before. Learning how to be an effective writer is key. Today we’re joined by one of the world’s leading marketing experts. She sheds light on writing and the future of marketing in one cape crusader kinda swoop! (more…)

WARRIOR of White-Light


We don’t often think about our online marketing, social media or website as being peaceful. Our guest today has a way of making the complex-simple, the noisy-quiet and marketing a bit more zen-like. (more…)

WARRIOR of Resilience


Wouldn’t it be fantastic if marketing your business and your work didn’t cost anything? If your marketing budget was Zero? Not only is it possible, but it may also be the best way to promote your business. (more…)

WARRIOR of Win-Win


Just do as I say! How often did you hear that from your mother? Today we’re going to hear a lot of the phrases your mother used to say, and surprisingly how valuable marketing lessons can be extracted from that motherly advice to grow our businesses. (more…)

WARRIOR of Indifference


It’s a frequent occurrence to seek out seasoned mature people for advice, training and inspiration. It’s pretty rare to find a 17-year-old who since 11 has created online resources to help elevate people’s lives. Proving that anything is possible if you apply the knowledge you acquire.  (more…)

WARRIOR of Sweetness


There comes a point in every entrepreneur’s life when you realize that your message can not be delivered one person at a time if you want to have an impact. And before you know it you’re Googling your fingers off trying to figure out how to increase your exposure, write a press release or just navigate the complex world of PR. (more…)

WARRIOR of SurvivalFargo_cover_FB_rev

Business doesn’t have to be all that complicated. Sometimes a reminder to just keep it simple and get down to business is the best advice you can get. In other words, clarity and action will get you where you want to go! (more…)