Tag: Author

WARRIOR of Observation



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    On this week’s episode, we have Radim Malinic joining us to discuss how to successfully bridge the gap between business and client when designing. We also dig deeper into breaking down roadblocks that may come with on demand creativity. Radim Malinic is a designer in the truest sense of the word. Not just in the work he creates, but also in how he has designed his career, his life, and even his happiness. Come along on a journey into the inner thoughts, philosophies, and processes, of this creative entrepreneur and be inspired to create the business, life, and happiness of your dreams.


    WARRIOR of Inner Zen


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      We usually refer to the cost of doing business as time and money spent. As Creative Warriors, since it is often our own talent and skills that we derive our income from, we need to consider the other costs of doing business. The real costs of business, such as the energy spent, time wasted, and the ways we hold ourselves back dealing with our own conflicted thoughts.


      WARRIOR of Stillness



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        Hard work doesn’t have to be a struggle. Pouring your energy into a project isn’t the same experience as struggling, although it can feel like you can’t have one without the other. The truth is, it’s when we’re not fully focused on what we’re doing that the struggle comes in – we start to worry or listen to our negative assumptions, and stop being present in the current moment.


        Black Dog WARRIOR



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          Picture this; you are standing on the side of a chasm, or a canyon and where you want to go is to the other side. Will you build a bridge to get to the other side or stay where you are? Can you fuel the effort it will take to get to the other side? What are the best tools to make it a reality? We’re discussing the 3 Gaps that universally keep most people from having everything they want in life. And unpacking the principles behind closing the gap between where you are and where you can be. (more…)

          Ready WARRIOR



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            It would be great if we could only do what we love to do in our business. Most of us would agree that’s not realistic, yet it might be exactly what we are doing and the key thing that could change everything! Today we’re discussing The Power To Get Things Done Whether You Feel Like it or Not. (more…)

            Do The Work WARRIOR



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              Are you excited about the times we are living in? Do you believe that NOW is the best time in history to be an entrepreneur? Are you looking for real info to encourage you to go on or make a change and do what you love? (more…)