Tag: creative businesses

WARRIOR of Curiosity


Often in business, we can find ourselves battling with different advice. We hear one thing works and then we hear the exact opposite. We’re left wondering who to believe. What advice do we follow? Our guest, today in a lot of ways, has a very different perspective on being in business. In many ways, you’ll hear there’s no one right way. (more…)



You know that nagging little voice in your head that holds you back and makes you doubt yourself? Today we’re talking about what you can do to quiet down your inner critic so you can innovate and generate creative flow. (more…)



Have you ever struggled with motivation or jumpstarting a creative project? Or get confused by the fact that you are procrastinating doing what you are most passionate about? Motivation in creative work can be very complicated, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Life, as a creative entrepreneur can be empowering and liberating! (more…)

WARRIOR of Gratitude


We all know something about creativity and yet much of the universal beliefs surrounding creativity may, in fact, be myths.  Today, our guest is debunking some commonly held beliefs that will surprise you! We’re exposing The Myths of Creativity with David Burkus. (more…)

WARRIOR of Perseverance


Whether you refer to it as an avatar, perfect client or buyer persona, the message is clear. If you want to connect fully with your clients, you must clearly understand how they think, act, react and feel. In today’s episode, we’re peeling back the rationale for building a buyer persona. (more…)

WARRIOR of Courage


Today we’re getting our hustle on with a guy who has little time for sleep. Let’s face it, success is hard work and sometimes the best thing we can do is be honest about that. Too many people in the get rich quick online marketing world make it all look easy. Success is hard work and losing some sleep may not be such a bad thing, especially the kind some people do when their eyes are open! (more…)

She-Ra WARRIOR of Princess Power


Today we’re going to travel along on the journey of an uncommon entrepreneur. Our guest has gone from having a “real job” to becoming a yarn maker and now helps thousands of others build successful businesses as creative makers. An exciting, inspiring story laced with lots of practical advice.  (more…)

WARRIOR of No Fear

When was the last time you heard a creative person say “I don’t have a career I have a business?” Well, buckle up because we’ve invited the Warrior of No Fear to join us for a passionate conversation about being a successful artist and business owner. All Creative Warriors want to be seen and heard. The ultimate acknowledgement of your work is through a sustainable business.  (more…)

WARRIOR of Independence

We all know, it’s a noisy world. There is a constant flow of content being created and consumed. You can stand out by tapping into what makes you effective and compelling. You can use your quiet power to separate yourself from all the noise! (more…)