Simplicity WARRIOR
I love this phrase by our guest today; You can’t outwork your busyness. But don’t we go down trying! We had a great conversation today about how you can learn to work simply by understanding your unique personality traits. Instead of the generalized, one size fits all approach to productivity and time management; we are looking at how to custom tailor an approach just for you. (more…)
WARRIOR of Forgiveness
Life sure can get overwhelming. And often it’s because we’ve said yes to too many things. Or is it that we’ve said yes to the wrong things? With our guest today, Misty Lown, we’re going to discuss how you can get the results you want out of your life and business by saying one small yes at a time. (more…)
Is it time for a change in your life? Can you feel it but aren’t sure what it is or what life would look like on the other side of this shift? Maybe change is needed, or maybe it’s simply time for an adjustment that will allow greater flow and ease. You may very well be at a pivot point. Today we’re discussing how to pivot effectively: when it’s time to change things up, what it means, and how to pivot gracefully. (more…)
Lady Trinity WARRIOR
Do you ever feel like you’re holding yourself back? Not being your most confident, bold and unabashedly you for fear of “being too much?” Who better to learn from about being unapologetically you than drag queens! Today we’re talking about what you can learn about growing, managing and owning your confidence from drag queens to be fiercely you. (more…)
Inspiration and purpose are usually staring us right in the face. Tapping into both takes innovation, grit and a personal connection to solving a significant problem for others. Today’s guest has that along with a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a will to create lasting impact. (more…)
WARRIOR of Space
Do you know that feeling when you are on the edge of something great happening? A tipping point? When it feels like the wind is at your back and you are working at your peak performance? Today we’re going to review some suggested methods that can create that feeling of being on the verge whenever you want it. (more…)
In LINGO, serial entrepreneur, business coach, and host of Creative Warriors podcast, Jeffrey Shaw reveals how to make your business irresistible to your ideal customers by speaking their Secret Language.