Tag: building relationships

WARRIOR of Negotiation


If you’re active on social media as a small business and are wondering, like many if it’s worth anything more than connecting with friends, this episode is for you. Today’s conversation is not about social media, but rather social selling and how social media is simply a tool that when used well can yield tremendous results professionally and personally. (more…)


People or profit is not an either or choice. The way to do business today is to put people over profit. It is by its very nature a values-based approach to sustainable business and growing profits. It is as Dale Partridge says “not a liability but a responsibility.”


Today is the age of influence! Anyone with the will can build a brand, effect change and make a difference. In many ways it the height of creativity. You can use todays technology and your skills in ways that are limited only by your imagination. Big statements and our guest, Ted Rubin believes that our ability to engage with our customers and building relationships has never been easier and creates a return on relationships. (more…)

It takes risk, passion, and work to build trusting, high value relationships. The kind that last a lifetime and have all the benefits from the effort both parties put in. It’s been proven time and again that “fortune favors the bold” in both business and personal relationships, which we discuss in this episode. (more…)