Tag: meditation

WARRIOR of Inner Zen

We usually refer to the cost of doing business as time and money spent. As Creative Warriors, since it is often our own talent and skills that we derive our income from, we need to consider the other costs of doing business. The real costs of business, such as the energy spent, time wasted, and the ways we hold ourselves back dealing with our own conflicted thoughts.


WARRIOR of Stillness


Hard work doesn’t have to be a struggle. Pouring your energy into a project isn’t the same experience as struggling, although it can feel like you can’t have one without the other. The truth is, it’s when we’re not fully focused on what we’re doing that the struggle comes in – we start to worry or listen to our negative assumptions, and stop being present in the current moment.


WARRIOR of Space


Do you know that feeling when you are on the edge of something great happening? A tipping point? When it feels like the wind is at your back and you are working at your peak performance? Today we’re going to review some suggested methods that can create that feeling of being on the verge whenever you want it. (more…)

WARRIOR of Compassion


Today we’re talking about expectations or more precisely when things don’t turn out as we expected. What our guest calls an Expectation Hangover. Our conversation is full of great takeaways and tangible actions you can all take to meet your goals and fill your soul. (more…)

WARRIOR of Meditation

As creative warriors, every day we are integrating our creativity with the busyness and the stress of everyday life. Not an easy thing to do. Today, Karan Bajaj is sharing lessons he’s learned seeking a creative life and striving to be a yogi in the real world. From living in NYC to a cave (yes a real one), we unpack a 4/1/4 life model that is sure to intrigue the seeker in you! (more…)