Tag: most profitable businesses

Suck-it-up and do it, WARRIOR


Do you consider yourself a freelancer? I never have. I’ve considered myself a small business owner, an entrepreneur, but never a freelancer. In fact, I’ll admit to thinking freelancer had a bit of a negative connotation for me. That it meant I would do anything for anyone;  that’s so not true if you want success. Today we have an expert about freelancing who will help us get clear on what it means to be a freelancer and how to prosper. (more…)

Shining Saber WARRIOR


Many entrepreneurs, particularly creative warriors, seem to somehow “find” themselves in business one day. As if it wasn’t planned as much as it was a transition that just happened. Whether you’ve been in business a long time, brand new or not in business yet, being in business consciously and with a clear intent is critical to your long-term success. (more…)

Creativity and profit do not have to be mutually exclusive of one another. You can in fact be creative and have the most profitable businesses that brings you and others great joy. We are pleased beyond words to have a leading voice on the subject of passion and profitability. (more…)