Category: Coach


Creative Warriors

619: Talking Stick- Special Announcement

Creative Warriors        
619: Talking Stick- Special Announcement          
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    A BIG and very Special Announcement! Be sure to turn in for the big news. (more…)


    Creative Warriors

    618: John Garrett- What’s Your “And”?

    Creative Warriors        
    618: John Garrett- What’s Your “And”?          
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      We are all more than one thing. But self-employed entrepreneurs have been told over and over again that we can’t have a division between who we are in business and who we are at home. Studies show, however, that having and sharing other dimensions make you better at your job.



      Creative Warriors

      617: Talking Stick- A Tweak Away

      Creative Warriors        
      617: Talking Stick- A Tweak Away          
      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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        It can often feel in business, especially during challenging times that recovery is far away. Or that your business needs a complete overall or change of direction. That is often not the case. It may be that turning your business around is just a tweak or two away. This episode should give you hope! (more…)


        Creative Warriors

        616: Park Howell - Craft Spellbinding Stories for Your Brand

        Creative Warriors        
        616: Park Howell - Craft Spellbinding Stories for Your Brand          
        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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          When you are in business, you are in the wish-granting business. When you really think about it, what you offer is what helps your customers achieve what they’re wishing for. And when you can find a way to communicate what you stand for, how you will grant those wishes, and why you are unique in doing so, you will elevate the humanity of your business.



          Creative Warriors

          615: Mark Sangster - What Small Businesses Need to Know About Cybercrime

          Creative Warriors        
          615: Mark Sangster - What Small Businesses Need to Know About Cybercrime          
          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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            Cyber attacks are not just against the big guys. The fact is that for a variety of reasons, attacks against small businesses are extremely common. We all need to be concerned, no matter how small or big our business is, especially during times of major distraction or disconnect, like, say, during a pandemic. 



            Creative Warriors

            614: Talking Stick- The Balance of Information and Influence

            Creative Warriors        
            614: Talking Stick- The Balance of Information and Influence          
            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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              We face a big challenge as business owners in today’s overload of information. What’s good information and at what point does that information influence us so much that we lose the ability to be different than the rest? This is particularly true in trade associations which I am a big proponent of. Have a listen for an idea about how to handle the balance of information and influence.  (more…)


              Creative Warriors

              613: David duChemin- Start Ugly To Do Your Best Work

              Creative Warriors        
              613: David duChemin- Start Ugly To Do Your Best Work          
              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                Creativity is iterative. It is about possibility. True creativity is about the everyday making of things; of just doing and refining until we can eventually get to our genius. Sometimes all we need is the discipline to just start. So if we can give ourselves the permission to just start with whatever terrible ideas we have, we can often get into that sought after “flow state” even sooner. 



                Creative Warriors

                612: Lee LeFever - Build a Business That is ‘Big Enough’ for You

                Creative Warriors        
                612: Lee LeFever - Build a Business That is ‘Big Enough’ for You          
                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                  My biggest competition has always been myself. Additionally, I’m a spender. Or, at least I used to be, and I’ve put a lot of thought into my spending habits and what that means for my lifestyle and business. Entrepreneurs often feel pressure to have as big a business as possible because of the competition or the false notion that a business isn’t “real” unless it’s a certain size. I battle with this quite a bit.



                  Creative Warriors

                  611: Jennifer Louden- Step Into Your Power by Asking ‘Why Bother?’

                  Creative Warriors        
                  611: Jennifer Louden- Step Into Your Power by Asking ‘Why Bother?’          
                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                    Sometimes even when we’re working on our ‘calling’ we don’t even realize we’re working like machines. Many of us have lost our sense of wonder. We no longer look at the world in awe. We begin to believe that desiring something other than what we have is somehow a negative feeling. We Creative Warriors talk a lot about finding our ‘why.’ But what about getting to the why of your ‘why?’


                    WARRIOR OF RECIPROCITY

                    Creative Warriors

                    610: Talking Stick- Disruption and Patience

                    Creative Warriors        
                    610: Talking Stick- Disruption and Patience          
                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                      There’s no doubt our businesses are experiencing a huge disruption with the pandemic and resulting economic slowdown. But if you look at the long history of disruptions you’ll see a few patterns emerge. One is to hang on. With patience, it will come around. Second is that you often end up with a hybrid model. Have a listen. There is likely more hope than you might be feeling right now. (more…)