Simplicity WARRIOR
I love this phrase by our guest today; You can’t outwork your busyness. But don’t we go down trying! We had a great conversation today about how you can learn to work simply by understanding your unique personality traits. Instead of the generalized, one size fits all approach to productivity and time management; we are looking at how to custom tailor an approach just for you. (more…)
Listening WARRIOR
Has the time come for artists, creators, and innovators to rule the world? Does the artist have not only the skills to succeed in today’s world but also something to teach the “non-artist.” According to our guest, we all have an inner artist that wants to get out and express them self and when we let that happen regardless of our profession anything is possible. (more…)
WARRIOR of Forgiveness
Life sure can get overwhelming. And often it’s because we’ve said yes to too many things. Or is it that we’ve said yes to the wrong things? With our guest today, Misty Lown, we’re going to discuss how you can get the results you want out of your life and business by saying one small yes at a time. (more…)
Warriors, imagine having the opportunity to sit down and chat with a legendary successful entrepreneur who has made an indelible mark on the world. What questions would you ask? What advice would you seek? What secrets of success would you want to know? Well, we have that rare and exciting opportunity. Today we have with us Peter Legge, A living legacy of one of Canada’s true entrepreneurial success stories. (more…)
WARRIOR of Gratitude & Love
Differentiation is the ticket to success. Figuring out how you and your brand stands out in a word of sameness is critical. We have a lot of responsibilities in business— to manage our business, take care of our customers, but I believe your #1 responsibility to your future success is creating a brand that is so unique that it can’t be duplicated. (more…)
WARRIOR of Grace
Too often entrepreneurs get stuck thinking they aren’t ready, or they don’t have the resources or money to advance their business. It doesn’t have to take a lot to have success; sometimes you just have to get scrappy! A scrappy strategy can make the difference between being heard in a noisy market or being overlooked. Today we’re discussing how being scrappy could be the best play in becoming an innovative creative warrior. (more…)
WARRIOR of Purpose
Whether you are aware of it or not, we are all influenced every day by the behavior of others. Our purchases, our behavior, our big and small choices. Sometimes influence is invisible; sometimes it’s much more apparent, and often we see how others are affected, but not how we are. (more…)
WARRIOR of Relevance
Do you think money is the root of all evil? I hope not because that would make becoming wealthy very uncomfortable, and probably super unlikely. We’re going to explore the difference between thinking poor and thinking rich, and dismantle self-imposed rules to ask ourselves the fundamental question, is my thinking be keeping me poor? (more…)
Life is full of ups and downs. Being an entrepreneur, a small business owner, and putting yourself out in the world in whatever way you do is challenging. It can feel like a roller coaster at times. Getting through it all is what makes you a warrior. Today we’re discussing resilience and the 7-emotional habits that help to get you through the peaks and valleys that we all experience. (more…)
WARRIOR of Confidence
I know entrepreneurs and small businesses get the idea that we must create great experiences for our customers. That’s what a customer is paying for is the overall experience. But how many of us are doing anything more that what our customers expect? Does meeting the minimum expectation, maintain or grow a business? Today we’re going to dive into what it really means to create an exceptional customer experience. (more…)
In LINGO, serial entrepreneur, business coach, and host of Creative Warriors podcast, Jeffrey Shaw reveals how to make your business irresistible to your ideal customers by speaking their Secret Language.