Category: Digital marketing


Sales is a fundamental aspect of all business. However, today when we think of sales the images that we conjure up aren’t usually too nice. We think of someone who is pushy or maybe even sleazy. How to be a good salesperson and what it takes to achieve success hasn’t changed over the last hundred years. Unfortunately, the way people try to get there has shifted in a more negative way.



Lessons in life come in various forms. Even through food! What you do when nobody’s watching says a lot about your character. That includes what you cook, and the way you cook it. If you really want to cook amazing dishes, you’ve got to be an optimistic person. Food is all about the energy that gets put into it, and the way it is prepared.



When you’re in business all speaking is public speaking. The reality is that whether you realize it or not, every time you have an encounter with someone or a group you are stepping to the front of the room. To be an impactful business person you must master the art of speaking in every situation.



In this world it is so important to do what you love. Finding your passion is what will lead you to a beautiful and fulfilling life. Following your passion means you’re waking up before your alarm goes off because you can’t wait to get started instead of hitting the snooze button five times.



When people come to you to buy something they aren’t trying to fulfill a basic need. They may come to you with what sounds like something basic, but it’s your job to find and understand the deeper need they are seeking. For example, when I was in the photography industry people weren’t just looking for a picture. They were looking for a magical moment. Maybe it’s a mother looking at those photos after the children have gone off to college. Perhaps it’s a couple looking to preserve the moment they said “I do”. No matter what your industry, you need to find that deeper need because chances are even the client won’t know what it is.



Most companies shy away from social media, because they are afraid of complaints. They are worried an online presence will give opportunity for their brand to be tarnished by trolls and people who just want to complain about things. However, social media is a great place to engage customers. Using these outlets gives your consumers a voice that they want heard.



Every business needs consumers. They are what use our productive, and ultimately decide if they are coming back. What we really need to focus on are superconsumers. Superconsumers are the people who are always at opening weekend every time a new Disney, Marvel, or Star Wars movie comes out. They are the ones constantly buying canned nacho cheese. They are something we look at as an anomaly, and we tend to ignore them.



If someone you knew and loved messed up, would you call them an idiot? Would you tell them how stupid they are? Of course not. You’d tell them it was ok, and you’d support them to learn from their mistakes and move of. So why do we talk to ourselves that way?



Happiness is a tricky subject. We all want it, and we never feel we have enough of it. So many people feel happiness is something that magically comes into their life from time to time. If you want to be happy, or happier, you have to work at it.



Too many times we put our minds in the wrong place when it comes to building and growing our business. We try to create the perfect product, then search out clients based on what we’ve made. Or we try to find someone just like us to lead and build our business.
