Author: jeffrey-shaw


The advancement of technology and AI can be a touchy subject for some. However, I love digging into it because I feel it is important - especially now- to find peace with technology and get on the right side of the AI movement. I always want to encourage all the Creative Warriors out there to take advantage of the incredible technology we have at our fingertips.



Could there be a less obvious opportunity for you in this crisis? An opportunity to stand out, show up, be in service and be remembered? I think there may be and I explore this opportunity in this episode. It’s just a gut feeling and observation and only time will tell. But whether my theory is right or not, the worst-case scenario is it will give you hope. 



The greatest gift we’ve been given during this pandemic is the gift of time. Why not use this time then to hone in on developing specific skills, update our materials, and set ourselves up for coming out of this as prepared as ever? For those of us who provide services, this is the perfect time to reframe how we think about selling.



It’s natural in a time of crisis for your emotions and mindsets to be all over the place. Ranging from conviction to make best use of the time on hand to wanting to curl up in a ball somewhere. From pushing yourself to keep going to knowing when it’s time for some self-care. The truth is, there’s no right way to do this. What you can expect though is to experience a full range of emotions. That is the crisis paradox.



I’ll admit, as someone who is constantly creating content, I’m often overwhelmed by it. But it is a topic that frequently comes up in my client sessions and one that is especially relevant right now. At a time when many of us are home and working on sharing more content with the world, it is important to make sure that what we create still has a purpose.



In this episode, I challenge you to think about the after effect of the global pandemic. It WILL have an effect on your business. For better or worse remains to be seen. But make no mistake. With such a global shift, it will affect your business. Not just now, but perhaps years from now. People’s values will change. What’s important to them will change. The time is now to consider how your business fits into the new “norm.” 



It’s fair to say, times are pretty scary right now. Now, I believe that we can and will get through it. But when things feel chaotic, it can be hard to keep a clear head and heart. It is time to collectively muster as much courage as we can to push through uncertainty and find ways to adapt. 



What’s possible? We are all living under constraints of some kind during this global pandemic. Entire countries under lockdown. Some states in the US under stay at home orders. Almost everyone forced to work at home. Financial constraints frightening and becoming a problem for many. Making do with whatever supplies and groceries we have in our house. In this episode, I explore what’s possible. We look at how constraints can inspire creative solutions.



As we move deeper into this stressful time of waiting out the coronavirus, many of us are working from home or isolating ourselves for safety. I find that when there is uncertainty or chaos abound, that is when it is most important to push forward with whatever it is that makes us Creative Warriors. This is the perfect time to turn your space into one that will keep you on a path of productivity and help ease anxieties. And often that means decluttering.



The global coronavirus pandemic has almost everyone nervous. Maybe even more so those of us in our Creative Warriors community who are afraid of the impact this will have on their business. But there is another side. It is possible to use this time to thrive. This is not my first rodeo in the world-changing events arena. I’ve been through 911, the Great Recession and now this. I have some practical advice for you that I hope you’ll take to heart. Advice that is meant for the unique experience of being a Creative Warrior.
